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Valley Junction Is Growing!

The potent combination of a rising metropolitan population, an attractive, walkable historic commercial district, and a strong economic environment for local, independent businesses make Valley Junction one of the most desirable shopping and dining districts in the Midwest. Private investment in Valley Junction is significantly increasing, with over $7 million in properties purchased and projects completed in 2023 alone. We are proud of our history and our accomplishments, but we’re also looking forward to future growth.

Historic West Des Moines Master Plan and Design Guidelines

To address concerns related to the accelerating rate of property development, the West Des Moines city council appointed the Historic West Des Moines Master Plan Steering Committee in 2021. Representing district building and property owners, neighborhood residents, and other stakeholders, the Steering Committee worked with the City and Teska Associates to craft a new five-year plan.

The design guidelines for Valley Junction’s mixed-use commercial district, approved by the City Council in February 2022, are a key component of this plan. Visit the Historic West Des Moines Master Plan website for information, visual preference and parking survey results, project documents, and more. The full Historic West Des Moines Master Plan is expected to go before the council for approval in 2024.

Incentives for property improvement and development

A wide variety of financial tools are available to rehab and upgrade properties in Valley Junction, particularly contributing buildings in our National Register Historic District. Property owners and developers can layer these program funds to improve their buildings and preserve the character of Historic Valley Junction.


NEWSignUp 2.0 Program for Blade Signs

The Historic Valley Junction Foundation has revamped its popular SignUp program and seeks applications that make it easier for businesses with a retail, food/drink, or experience component to thrive and to enhance the vitality of the Valley Junction Main Street district.

This grant program builds on the unique qualities of Valley Junction by incentivizing the use of custom designed 3D “blade” signage extending perpendicular to the face of the building. Blade signs contribute to the historic, walkable character of our district, increase business visibility, promote brand identity, and induce people to walk and explore.

SignUp 2.0 will fund 25% of an approved project up to $2500, with a 1:1 match required. This program is made possible through funding from the City of West Des Moines. There is no application deadline; grants will be awarded until the available funding is exhausted. You can access the application here.

The City of West Des Moines has several programs to encourage development in Valley Junction, with a particular focus on the rehabilitation of irreplaceable historic buildings. Visit their website for details and applications.


The Property Tax Rebate Program provides a five-year, 100% rebate of the tax increment revenues generated by building construction and upgrades. If a project involves the renovation of a contributing building in the National Register Historic District, the property owner would be eligible for a ten-year, 100% property tax rebate. Additional conditions apply.


UPDATED – 2024 Main Street Challenge Grant!

The Historic Valley Junction Foundation is your exclusive local partner for the Main Street Iowa Challenge Grant, a competitive, bricks and mortar, dollar-for-dollar matching grant program offering up to $100,000 in support of transformative local projects. The Historic Valley Junction Foundation can apply for this reimbursement grant funding on behalf of one project per year; there is no guarantee of funding. The 2024 application round is now closed.

We are your exclusive local partner to access the Main Street Iowa Loan Program, a partnership program with the Iowa Finance Authority and the Federal Home Loan Bank-Des Moines. This program offers favorable rate loans for rehabilitation (with an emphasis on upper-floor housing) projects in designated Main Street districts. Contact our office for more information.

The Iowa Economic Development Authority, with the Iowa Finance Authority, offers the Downtown Loan Guarantee Program. It is designed to provide financial assistance in the form of loan guarantees for eligible downtown revitalization projects.

IEDA/IFA will partner with Iowa financial institutions to secure necessary funding for eligible brick and mortar projects in a joint effort to stimulate Iowa’s economy to aid in the recovery from the COVID-19 crisis. Visit their website for additional information.

The Iowa Department of Cultural Affairs administers the highly competitive Historic Resource Development Program grant, offering matching funds of up to $50,000 for historic preservation projects. Applications are typically due in May for projects begun after July 1. For more information, visit the IDCA website.

The IDCA also oversees the State Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program, providing a state income tax credit for the sensitive, substantial rehabilitation of historic buildings. It ensures character-defining features and spaces of buildings are retained and helps revitalize surrounding neighborhoods. This important funding tool provides an income tax credit of up to 25% of qualified rehabilitation expenditures. Visit the website to learn more.


The State Historic Preservation Office of Iowa is your first point of contact for the Federal Historic Tax Credit, a 20% income tax credit for the rehabilitation of historic, income-producing properties. Go here for information about this program.

The beautiful buildout at The Venue, 209 Fifth, was made possible in part by City-funded programs.

Photo Credit:  Jacob Sharp

Design Assistance to Meet Your Needs

As an accredited Main Street America program, we can help business and property owners access design expertise at no cost. Main Street Iowa professionals can work with you on renderings and recommendations for site development, interior and exterior rehab, new construction, signage, restoration techniques, and more. They can also direct you towards financial resources like grants and tax credits that can help turn your vision into reality. To schedule a design consultation, contact the Historic Valley Junction Foundation office.

For Further Reading

A Pattern Book for West Des Moines Neighborhoods – A guide for homeowners considering renovations to Valley Junction properties.

Architectural Survey of Valley Junction

Valley Junction National Historic District nomination – Portions of the Valley Junction business district are included in a National Register Historic District. This document gives the history of that district.

Available Properties

Owners can list commercial or residential properties for lease or sale within the Valley Junction Main Street district on this page. Contact the individual on each listing for more information; the accuracy of each listing is the responsibility of the property owner.

If you are an owner who wishes to list your property, use this form.


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