Real Estate office specializing in new and like new affordable homes. Rental homes in Des Moines and surrounding suburbs. OFFICE HOURS: Monday 9 am – 1 pm Tuesday Wednesday 9 am – 1 pm Thursday Friday 9 am – 1 pm Saturday...
Willow Tree, Jim Shore, Boyd’s Bears, the Trail of the Painted Ponies, Cherished Teddies, kitchen fairies, vegetable animals, Bearington Bears, Ty, dolls, jewelry, clothing, home decor and much more. STORE HOURS: Monday 10am – 5pm Tuesday 10am – 5pm...
Furniture, pop memorabilia, Boy Scout items, books, and collectibles. Usually open Saturday afternoons. Often open weekday and Sunday afternoons. Vintage pop memorabilia, baseball cards, vintage furniture, western books, antiques and collectables. STORE HOURS: Usually...
Gnemeth Lodge #577 is located in the heart of Historic Valley Junction, West Des Moines, Iowa. Stated meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. STORE HOURS: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday...